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Are you a bibliophile?

Books- great friends of human-kind. They are the true companions of  man-woman and play the role of awesome surroundings. We all, more or less, love reading. At least sometimes it gives you mental peace. Some of us love seeing it arranged on the shelves of libraries, some of us prefer to buy famous, costly books just to make our collection rich enough. And the third one who are most fantastic, wonderful and above all real book lovers- it would not be wrong to call them book worms/ bibliophile

A bibliophile generally reads loads of books and it actually makes them happy and keeps them refreshed. As they read a lot books, they know about lot things. They know human nature. They love to observe people. If you are a specific genre lover, like, you only love to read sci-fi series or ghost books or detective ones then knowingly or unknowingly you will start believing that you’re those cool fictitious characters and your role models will be those characters.

Now, parents. They are always on the opposite direction from us, aren’t they? Even though you are doing right, they will blindly believe that you are doing it pretty wrong. Well, I’m not against parents nor I’m criticizing them. But what I’m saying is correct and proven in hundreds of psychological theories. It’s very natural to have clashes with parents at the time of teenage. So, let’s not count that.

What I’m trying to say all these time is, being a bookie is not good thing but a VERY AWESOME thing! As much book you will read, as much true man you will become. Napoleon said once,

“Show me a family of readers, and I will show you the people who move the world.”

Books will not make you perfect, they will rather make you good. They will help you to cope with your situations in real life, though fiction books ain't the real books but sometimes out of the box they provide us real solutions to our real problems.They will not help you to get good grades at exams but they will show you the right way. They will not help you to gain power but they will make you courageous enough to stand for what is right. all of a sudden something magical wont happen and your problems wont vanish way but they provides as a medium of escapism for you to not only focus on problem but to find their solution in your own unique manner.

Books will help you to “know thyself”. So, let’s all read books. Trust me, this is cooler than social networking sites. It is more interesting to know what twist is coming at the next page or in a next chapter, than to check notifications on Facebook and Instagram.

There are so many genre to explore and so many authors in this world to explore their words. you can never get tired of reading.

how many of you have seen Harry Potter? have you ever get tired watching it ? no! so how about really reading about Harry Potter in books where their are so many details and characters and way more facts and knowledge about Harry, his friends, Magical wizards and Hogwarts!!

just like harry potter comes from mystery, magical, and fantasy and fictional genre, like them there are so many books from different genre and also from this same genre that you can never get tired of exploring and reading.

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