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This novel is about two neighbors. they were best friends once, but then our protagonist turns on her and makes his mission to ruin her life. she's been humiliated, shut out, and gossiped about all through her High-School.

His pranks and rumors gets more sadistic as time wore out; and she thinks sick of herself because she isn't standing to herself.

she even goes to France for a year to avoid him. but now she's sick of feeling sorry for herself and swears that she is done hiding from him and there's no way in hell that she will allow him to ruin her Senior year.

Soon Attraction and Infatuation sparks between them and they end up being more vulnerable around each-other. soon secrets starts to spill, confessions are made. now their relationship is on the hill cliff, its in their hands whether to make it a good one or bad one.

Also, this novels contains adult/ mature situations. its suitable for ages 18+ due to language, violence and sexual situations.

if you are not very found of those types of genres the please avoid reading this one.


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